
Sir Isaac Newton sixth-former represents the country in European championships

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8th Apr 2024 Back

Moira Doleman, a Year 13 student, represented England in the Under 19 korfball Championships in Spain.   

The English team came fourth in the league table, winning three of its six games in korfball – a Dutch sport similar to basketball and netball, where teams are made up of male and female players.  

Moira, who’s been playing the sport since primary school, had the opportunity to travel abroad to play some friendly matches against the Catalonian team but, this year she represented England for the Under 19 European Championships in Barcelona.   

Alongside her studies, Moira also coaches a team at Jane Austen. Unfortunately,  Moria suffered from Glandular Fever which severally impacted her training and A-Level studies.   

After suffering from symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue it was hard for her initially to catch up.  Moira spent time reflecting on what she needed to do in order to catch up with her education as well as her training, taking time to organise her workload while maintaining a positive mental wellbeing.  

Moira is planning to attend the University of Nottingham to study pharmacy and in the future would love to work in a hospital or laboratory developing new methods of pain relief or potential treatments.