
Sir Isaac Newton retains its top-10 spot in the A-Levels' league table

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15th Aug 2024 Back

Sir Isaac Newton students have cemented their sixth form’s status as one of top in the country after yet another year of spectacular A-level results. 

An impressive 85% of grades received were A*-C, a 2% rise on the year before and 9% above the national average; 66% of those were B and above. 

Six students have achieved places at Oxford and Cambridge. Nine students are set to study medicine or dentistry and three studying veterinary science.  

Thirteen students achieved A* in every subject they took, with more than half of students achieving an A in at least one subject.  

Chris Jennings, Principal at Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form said: 

“Congratulations to our students whose work has not only translated in results they can be personally proud of, but also serves to inspire younger pupils to explore the many opportunities the world of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) can offer.” 

Roan, who received A*A*A said: 

“It has been so refreshing to learn in an environment where an enthusiasm for science radiates from every teacher and student.  


This complete immersion in STEM fosters a sense community and camaraderie which I have found invaluable to my studies, and I don’t think is achieved anywhere else quite like Sir Isaac Newton. If you are serious about your science, this is the place to be!” 

Rosie, who found out she’d achieved A* A* A* said: 

“My time at Sir Isaac has been unforgettable. The incredible team of kind and supportive staff and students and unique school structure, has enabled me to pursue dreams I once wouldn’t have thought possible for myself.  


From my first few weeks in year 12, I was encouraged to get stuck into activities and electives that interested me. I have never been afraid to ask questions at Sir Isaac.  

The teachers are always happy to help.  


Going to medical school at my dream university is exciting beyond words, and while I’m itching to start, I know I will miss Sir Isaac hugely. I have no doubt, however, the lessons I learned about myself there will prove invaluable to my future as a doctor.” 

Open evenings 

Students interested in studying at this exceptional sixth form are invited to attend one of the two open events, which will be held on Wednesday 9 October and Tuesday 15 October from 5:30-8:30pm.